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Customer Display – Signature Prompt

Signature Prompt

After enabling your customer display in your main POS, users have the option to add signature as an additional setting under payment type settings.

On your main POS, go to “Settings” and click “Payment Types” as highlighted.

mobipos customer display signature


Go to on “Visa” and click “Settings”.
List of payment settings will pop up.

mobipos customer display signature


Click on “Signature Required” and click “Set”.

mobipos customer signature required settings


At the payment screen, click “Pay” and then click “Visa”.

mobipos customer display


A signature will prompt in your main POS as below.

mobipos customer display


Simultaneously, on your customer display screen, a signature prompt will appear as well.

mobipos customer display


After your customer has signed, click confirm as highlighted.

mobipos customer display


On your main POS, click confirm.

mobipos customer display


Users can proceed with the payment process.

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